Friday, November 20, 2009

Losing interest?

I'm posting just cause it's been a while. It's likely that no one is reading this anymore since I haven't been posting, but whatever.

I beat Super Mario Bros Wii the other day with Peter's help. It was epic, in the literal sense. You would have to see it to get it, but that's saying too much as it is.

I'm also playing The World Ends With You on the DS. Borrowed it from Peter, and I'm having some good fun with it. This would make for my 2nd playthrough, cause I borrowed it from him before. I'm also getting some TWEWY merchandise from some website, specifically 2 T-shirts and 12 pins that are pins right from the game. It's likely I can just order them and get someone to give them to me for Christmas or something. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

I also have Christmas presents planned for all my friends. It's likely that, if you're reading this, you already know what they are, but I'll write it anyways. For a few (6) choice friends, I am ordering some T-shirts from I'm also getting my own T-shirts from there, and the pins from an associated website. I let them pick their own T-shirt and I bookmarked it with their name and size. If I didn't confirm your choice, you aren't getting one, or anything else from me for that matter. If you want to know why, leave a comment in the blog entry or don't expect an answer.

I also decided I think I'm gonna buy a 360. I'm not thinking of asking for it for Christmas, I don't want to ask for any consoles that aren't Nintendo from my parents or anyone else for that matter. I might ask for a PSP though, since I need one of those for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep which is confirmed for the PSP, but no NA release date is set yet. There's Dissidya or however the hell you spell it too, and if I get a modded PSP there's a lot of other stuff I could do too. That's all gonna depend on how I actually get the PSP though.

On a final note, I want some opinions on whether or not I should actually get a PS3 over a 360, because I want get get a PS3 for KH3 but not if it doesn't get confirmed for PS3 (anything could happen). I would prefer if that were in the comments too. If I decide to get a 360 before KH3's confirmation, I might end up having both in the long run.



  1. Disregard women, acquire wealth. Then you can have both.

  2. I didn't even talk about having a girlfriend in this post, and I'm doing fine for money. That is irrelevant.
