Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kingdom Hearts: Once Upon a Time - Part 1

Part 1 of 4 of Kingdom Hearts: Once Upon a Time. This is a fan-made video based on the hit game series Kingdom Hearts. Don't mind it cutting off so suddenly at the end, it follows directly into the next episode, which will be posted within the next few days.

All rights to Kingdom Hearts reserved to Square-Enix and Disney. Rights to characters portrayed by actors reserved to RJ Pictures. Music from

Thursday, January 28, 2010

KHOUT Teasers from now on

There won't be any. I've got nothin' left that won't ruin the story etc. Just wait till January 31st or whenever the hell that shit gets posted.



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

KHOUT Teaser 4

The heartless that will be included will be Shadows, Neoshadows, Gargoyles, Wyverns, and a Guard Armor. Don't know what they are? Look them up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

KHOUT Teaser 3

More trivia than teaser but whatever.

Rev and Errant as names weren't picked randomly. Ryan chose Rev because it's short for Revelation, which is the end of the world. I chose Errant because, in addition to being an anagram of "Ranter," it means "to stray from the right path." This incorperates with our characters' personalities.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

KHOUT Teaser 2

We were planning on having two different stories for Errant and Rev, specifically because we wanted to have a story for when Errant get's his Keyblade and for when Rev get's his, as well as a different ending for each, and some things happening differently along the way. We didn't end up having time to make those, although we have the footage, we only had time to make Rev's story.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

KHOUT Teaser 1

If you haven't watch the trailer yet, watch it below first.

The planned release date for the video is the 30th. Let the teasers begin.

The video ended up being 23 minutes long, so I had to break it up into 4 parts during the animating process.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh gawd, what I would give to freeze time.

I have so much fucking work to do this weekend. I'm taking a break right now.

I have to get the video done by Monday. This is a must. Then, I have to make the trailer and the website for Thursday, which is the final project and needs the brunt of my attention. I've also got to finish the Javascript project that's actually less overdue than I thought it was, but it was due today and I need to finish it ASAP. It's more than half finished though, so.

Oh yeah, I also have 3 other courses. I have to worry about studying for Math and Chemistry. I don't have to worry about physics though, because at this point that course is a joke. I finished my last physics test today, and I will be really surprised if I didn't get perfect on it. My lowest test score in that class is a 94 and it's going to get dropped because he's dropping our lowest test scores for us. That'll still bring my average up. Last I checked it was a 98 so It might go up from there to a 99 or something. Whatever, I'm just doing really good in that class, and we get to take a formula reference sheet into the exam that he will approve and we can write anything we want on it, and on both sides of the paper. And it's a full sheet of paper, no joke, so I'm gonna be fitting in shit real tight. I remember last year when we were only supposed to write on one side and I still fit everything I needed, and I needed a diagram of the eye and some shit like that, which I don't need this time around, so I'm basically all set.

I also got buttfucked by today's math test. I got a 65 if I got all the questions I did perfect. That's because I lost 13 marks in two monster questions that I was completely stumped on. I could not remember for the life of me how to do them. I did, however, do everything I could, with time to spare, and since I couldn't figure it out with plenty of trial and error, it was basically hopeless so I can safely say I did the best I could and it wasn't all that much. I blame the teacher.

Anyways, getting back on topic, I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to finish the video this weekend, but I need more time than one weekend to get everything I need done in time. Obviously, I'm going to pick priorities because I know what's important. I'll do what's best for me, but if there's any way for anyone to help this poor fellow without hurting yourself in the process, that would be fucking fantastic. Take it easy.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kingdom Hearts: Once Upon A Time

My video is nearing it's completion. It's due to be finished this Monday, but just to edge you guy's on, I'm gonna show you the trailer first. Which is due the following Thursday, so don't expect that for over a week. When I show you the trailer, I'll set a date for the movie's internet upload, and no one will see it until then outside of the class that it has to be presented in, and I will be making daily posts until the movie is released about the movie being released, to tease you guys if anything.

There will be about 5 minutes of filming to be done before we're actually finished 100% of the filming, because we never got a chance to film it before. It's all well and good though, as I have the plan for it already written up. Then we have to finish editing, and there's actually pretty good progress in that already, and that'll be it. I'm not gonna go into too much detail about that till I release the trailer, because I don't want to give it all away up front and have nothing left to tease you with. I'll have fun with that later.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm lonely! Waahh! Wahhh!

I complain a lot about being single, I know that, I'm not fucking stupid, an no one appreciates it, I know that, I'm not fucking stupid, and a lot of people just don't give a shit, I know that, I'm not fucking stupid. But guess what, you faggots; I've got very little to actually complain about, and whether you guys like it or not, a guy's gotta complain. If you don't like it, let me know so I can shove your teeth through your ears when YOU complain about trivial shit, because you're a hypocrite, I guarantee it. When I do, it's in a rant, and people like to hear me rant. Seriously, I know some people who actually do.

Something else I know is that a lot of you niggers are all wah wah about how you have a really fucking hard life because you have family issues one way or another or whatever other generic but apparently real shit that you deal with on a daily basis. But guess what, you faggots; chances are, there's something YOU could have done to make life easier for yourself by making life easier for others. I'm fine at home, because I don't rebel against my parents, and I have no problem with my one sibling that is going to cause a raging war. Some of your parents are divorced, some of you had to move around a lot, I know at least one of you has been molested, that's obviously not a lot of shit that you can fix by doing chores around the house without being asked. That's obviously something you can complain about, but that kind of thing is a past trauma. That's nothing that's going on in your life right now. Unless you're seriously getting molested on a regular basis, and I don't think I know anyone who is. From what I can see, not many in today's adolescent society are single, and there's a serious reason for anyone who is, either falling under the category of not worthy of Goddamn anyone, or not looking. Ironically, there would also be another factor where the only people that the looking people are only finding are not looking because they have a bf/gf or don't want to be single. From what I can see, that's my situation. The fact of the matter is, there are so many Goddamn people dating that there aren't enough people left for me to look through, or at least not enough that I know of, and despite my efforts, I repetitively fail. I've faced the sting of rejection a few times over the past year, and with that and the shriveled black worm that my heart is becoming, I myself have become more bitter, more angry, more impatient, and more ignorant. I've asked for help, I've held onto my morals all the way through and not a friend in the world seems to be able to help. What's next, not even God could truly predict.


Hello, new furniture

First off, no pics. Come see for yourselves if you really give a shit.

Me and my mam moved my room around so I could stick a new dresser and bed side table in my room. It's pretty sweet, and it's a change I could easily get used to. For the first time, my alarm clock is not inconveniently out of reach. When my room was in the basement, I had my alarm clock on top of a bookshelf which was at the other side of the room. The room wasn't very wide, but I still had to stand up to go hit the snooze and then fall back into bed. Since my room was upstairs like it used to be, I had my alarm clock on a shelf about the head of my bed. I had to reach up really awkwardly and randomly smack at my alarm clock until I found the snooze button. Sometimes I had to get up on my knees to see the clock just to hit it. Now it's on a table next to my bed, how convenient.

I have two stuffed dogs in my room, one about 2.5 times the size of the other, neither are very big. I never had a specific place for them, I usually threw them in the corner of my room and then someone would occasionally put one on the shelf above my bed, and then I would take it and throw it back into the corner. I decided to put the dogs on top of my shelf above my bed, and they look real comfortable up there. Or at least they would, if they were alive. But if they were, they would probably want to get down. There's also a stuffed fish that I got from the owner of Joey's Only on my birthday, when me and my family went there for dinner. It's seriously a plush of the mascot of my favorite restaurant, it's so awesome, and it's sitting up with those dogs, almost equally ignored as they are. Whatever.

Getting back on topic and away from the dogs' placements that didn't actually have anything to do with the renovation besides happening to find that place today, my closet is almost completely empty now. That's sort of a lie, but I took most of the stuff out of it. My old dresser is in there for the time being until we can give it to my Grandma, who apparently is going to need a new dresser is and is getting my old one, while I get the huge one that is better. Haha, grandma, you got shunned. It's my turn to shine.

Despite me never gaming in that room, because I get the basement where I have a chest (a literal chest) filled with all my 6th and 7th generation gaming equipment that doesn't fit in the buckets in my room (you'd have to see them, I don't know what else to call them), *ahem*, despite me never gaming in that room, there is a lot more gaming potential based on where the TV is positioned now. There's these shelves that are shaped sort of like stairs, and the TV is at the top. I could easily put a console on the second "stair" and hook it up to the TV, plug it into the wall, and under the circumstance of a wired controller, sit on my bed without pulling the console off the shelf to it's doom. I'm friggen' pumped. This is how exciting my life is.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm depressed. I think.

Before I start, I would like to announce the change of the blog's title. It's now "The King's Rant". It's a lot better than "The King Ranter Story" if you ask me, and It's not like I'm not putting "KingRanter" at the bottom of every entry. Anyways, moving on.

Today, a window of opportunity may have closed hard on my fingers, and now I'm sitting on my couch, as usual, in front of my computer, and wishing for something back. I am lonely again. I have not truely been lonely for a few weeks, maybe a few days after the concert when I started talking to her. You guys know who I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure I'm never getting her at this point. I'm feeling the sting of rejection that wouldn't be there without that Mother Fucking obstacle.

All Mother Fucking day I've been moping around because of this. The first girl I liked in months. MONTHS, seriously! I've been attracted to a lot of girls since my last girlfriend, but I haven't liked anyone till Her. And now I can't fucking do anything about it because of that other cunt hole who I've only heard her speak lowly of. I'm completely off of my regular vibe, I haven't listened to the regular music that I enjoy for the past 3 days because of the mixed signals that I've been getting, and I finally get a straight answer and all it did was piss me off. But of course it did, why the Fuck would I expect any other kind of Goddamn answer. Why should I be happy? Well fuck, a girlfriend is the ONLY Goddamn thing I want that I can't get by myself, because there obviously has to be a second person in the mix, and no one gives a flying Fuck about this little cunt so it's starting to look like my fate is sealed and I'm going to turn into a rapist because I'm gonna lose my Goddamn head. Selfish bitches.

Love is a brand of egoism that ignores the feelings of it's mark, while insisting on its own selfish demands.


Give it to me straight

You know what I don't like? Fuckin' mixed signals. Yeah. Who doesn't love Goddamn mixed signals? Not me, that's fuckin' who. You probably agree, that they suck some elegantly shit-stained balls. It's worse when you feel like it seems to be leaning. And it's even worse if it's leaning towards whatever is negative towards yourself.

Every person in the Goddamn world is selfish. It's human nature. It's fucking animal nature. So it's not a big surprise from anyone that you would want anything from anyone else. Whether you get it or not is obviously an entirely different situation. When someone doesn't tell you whether or not their going to give it to you, but they SEEM to be telling you back and forth that they will or won't, is what mixed feelings are for those of you who don't know. Obviously I'm writing about this because I'm currently suffering through it.

Why would anyone edge anyone onto anything ever if they weren't going to deliver? This is just a case of trolling, and people who respectful of each other and wish for each others' happiness etc, people like FRIENDS maybe, shouldn't be pulling that kind of shit on anyone. As well, people also need to make up their fucking minds before they make any decision in case it starts leaning in the other direction, which brings up the whole "mixed feelings" thing as well, obviously. For people who do this, and don't realize it, or just everyone in general in case you're someone who does it and doesn't realize it, should watch what they fucking say. Yeah, readers, watch what you fucking say. You could be in the midst of pissing someone off right now with any decision that they expect you to make, maybe because you promised to do something and just aren't doing it, and despite not actually planning to do it, not telling the other person otherwise, or some other thing. All it does is cause chaos when the problem could be fixed much sooner if you just did what you had to do, or let the other person know that you weren't going to do it. Either way, you're at least doing fucking SOMETHING about it.
