Sunday, December 5, 2010

Perspective of Ranter

I'm going to upload some pictures of Ranter.

Now, Ranter is obviously a fictional character raised by anime and vidyagames, so I'll be uploading graphics. I'm fucking horrible at graphic design, so I didn't do much work of this stuff myself, and it looks fucking awful for the most part, because I felt it necessary to get rid of the background on the program that did it for me, and I did a shitty job of it because I don't have the attention span to photoshop properly like the computer technology classes in high school taught me. Regardless, I went ahead over to a certain Anime Character Creator that I found on the intranets that I won't be linking because I can't be bothered to do that either. Seriously, I'm obviously not going places with this whole blogging thing, so why put fourth the effort? Regardless, I have 2 pictures of Ranter. He is standing in the exact same position in each picture, and I forgot to make the vital logo fix on his shirt that his shirt has in the first one because I forgot. Derp.

So, without further ado, I present to you, King Ranter Blackfire.

I forgot the logo on his shirt, like I said. He's a pretty simple character, and I had to work a little bit to get his eye color the right shade of dark grey. (I pressed random a couple times until I got the right non-standard color and then changed the eye type without changing the color, it was pretty straight-forward.) This is him in his standard form, his actual form, and he's not very hard to imagine. Chrono looks the same except his clothes are grey and his hair is brown. Thomas looks the same except his clothes are red except for the black stripes that go from the under part of his sleeves and down the sides of his shirt. The stripes also go down the sides of his pants, since it's sort of a uniform sort of thing. Also, Thomas' symbol is black. It's the same shape, even though I described it as different in the first chapter of the prototype book thing, but I changed my mind. Zinc does not look the same at all.

The second upcoming picture shows what Ranter looks like using the quills catalyst. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. It's one of his more useless catalysts, actually, but it allows for spinning in a ball more efficiently and using this technique as a weapon (because he can curl into a ball normally, because of a thing that happened, but this catalyst makes it easier, more efficient, and gives him some powers while in it.) So, without further ado, again, I'll show you a very similar picture of Ranter but with his quills catalyst spawned.

Don't mind the tallness of this image's canvas. I meant to fix it, I really did, but I can't be bothered. Anyways, as you can see, this picture is just Sonic the Hedgehog's middle quill in one image I pulled off the Sonic News Network, and I shooped it black and stuck it all over Ranter's back and head. That's basically what this is. I think this looks way more awesome, but for personal legitimacy reasons, I can't bring myself to make this a permanent change, so it stays as a catalyst. If I made it permanent, the Dragon Wings catalyst would be awkward to imagine, anything with a tail would be kind of weird, and he couldn't wear anything other than that suit which allows the catalysts to pass through it. Oh, also, this picture has the logo on it. And the shirt is usually more black than this.

I would seriously like to get a fucking artist in this bitch to help me with the pictures of Ranter and other characters. I'll make other characters here and there though, I have a challenge for the readers later on to help me with character development. Not that I have any readers.
