Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I can't find that in the dictionary.

What the fuck is going on with slang today? I've heard some stuff that's fucking retarded and I'm losing my fucking head listening to it. If you need to use any of the following words in the context I will describe, you need to read a mother fucking dictionary and expand your vocabulary so you sound like less of a stupid cunt.

Bunk: This has become popular over the past year or so, and it has gotten really fucking annoying. The first time I heard it near the beginning of the trend, my business teacher in grade 10 used it once and my class kinda laughed, but then people in the class started using it. Idunno where it started, but it needs to end. "Bunk," for people who srsly don't know, means crappy, not good, bad, etc etc. One way or another, it needs to stop, because it's retarded.

Sick: Isn't that a skateboarding term for "awesome"? Since when is it a regular term? I'm gonna let this one pass to some degree, because this was an actual slang for an actual sport (I guess I can call it a sport) IRL, but it sounds retarded when used out of context.

Dirty: This is a new one. It's a new word for "awesome" but it's dirty. The first time I heard this, I thought it was a bad thing. Shortly after, I heard it a few times, and I realized that it's not supposed to be, but it sounds fucking ridiculous. I have no idea who could have thought this was a good word to use to describe anything positive.

Tearin': This one is a little more understandable, but it still threw me off the first time I heard it. I can't remember when I first heard it, but I usually hear it when some jackass is talking about winning at a videogame or something. I honestly can't think of any other use, but there are others. I just can't remember them. The video game use is acceptable if you ask me, but if it's just replacing "pwning" then I probably won't be adapting to it anytime soon.

Chirps: This one is kinda old too. It seems to have replaced "burn", which was actually funny, especially when executed in That 70's Show. It kind of seems like a weak troll (which is an internet term that means to cause disturbance) and just to top it off, people usually do that finger flick thing that I was doing without trolling years before it became popular. That finger flick thing is just as retarded, or at least when executed along with "chirps."

Rat: Apparently there's a new meaning for the term "rat." Just another word to replace crappy, or bad, or bunk (but it doesn't always.) Now, to be completely honest, I don't know that it's actually the word rat, but if it's not, then it's probably "rah" because I can never clearly hear the last consonant to confirm, but there might just not be one.

Pow: Guess what? A word that used to be a sound effect is now slang for "awesome" (as in, "That's pow.") but just isn't awesome at all. The first time I heard this, I thought what was being said was "power" but then the same guy said it 6 more times in 3 minutes and I was like "That's getting rather annoying." It might actually be power, but the faggots who were saying it repeatedly might have been too lazy to finish the whole word.

Jokes: Yeah, this one is pretty popular too, and kind of makes you think of what a joke is. According to the slang, jokes are anything that's really pathetic or not serious at all. It's pretty straightforward, but that doesn't exactly make it classy.

I might update this later if I remember another word or something, I mean anything could happen. I heard someone in my math class say "phat" yesterday and I nearly flipped my shit. On a final note to any one who I might have a genuine conversation with in the near future, If you use one of these words in a sentence, I WILL call you on it and I WILL make you repeat the sentence like someone who doesn't have fucking downs syndrome.
