Monday, November 23, 2009

Get your own taste in music!

I've got my own taste in music. It's nothing special and not everyone likes my taste in music, but I do. I don't have a lot of variety and I don't have very many artists, but if I like an artist, I get the discography. I torrent music, so I can get whatever I want rather easily. Most people use limewire or frostwire nowadays so they don't usually have trouble getting music either, but their choice in music shows how fucking creative and unique they are.

Too many Goddamn people listen to the same shitty music all the time just because it's "popular" or on the radio. If you like the music that's on the radio, bring a fucking pocket radio with you or something. That's what it's for, if you like music a radio station plays, listen to their station and support their ratings so they can stay up. You're benefitting yourself more than you think. Also, popular music isn't popular because lots of people listen to it, it's deemed popular so lots of people will listen to it. Then lots of people listen to it so they will fit in with the rest of the retards that can't tell what good music actually listens to.

Let me bring up an example. Why do people like rap so much? It's not fucking music. Some people, like my friend Peter, listen to rap because it has meaning, but then he also picks out his music very specifically. I can not think of any reason why any one else listens to rap. And I'm talking about the people who don't know what their listening to while they listen to it, and again, listen to it just because other people do.

Let me get a little more specific. Why do people listen to Akon? I can't fucking stand listening to his shit! But my sister always plays it in the car, and people at work always play it over their iPod docks, and it's just Goddamn awful! His voice is really Goddamn annoying, and isn't he a rapper? Why does he try to sing? He can't! But people eat that shit up like fucking candy. And again, most people just listen to his shit that is played on the radio and go around saying they're some kind of fucking superfan or something. I have 2 things to say to people like that. 1, you're a hypocrite. If you're a huge fan, you should at least have bought out his discography or something, and if you did you probably wouldn't be able to stand it for very long one way or another. 2, a superfan of Akon? Christ almighty, you're really showing how diverse you are from the rest of the world, and your pathetic taste in music. And that's just a general example cause there are a lot of other artists out there that have the same effect on people and I just don't know their names. That's just me though.


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