Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Sneak Peak into the mind of King Ranter Himself

Before I start up the story, I want you to maybe try to get a glimpse of the characters you'll be reading about so I don't have to be too descriptive with their personalities right off the bad. That might bore you.

King Ranter Blackfire
: Ranter is one hell of a mother fucker. That's what it all comes down to. But that doesn't tell you anything about him. He's a fighter of sorts, sort of like the characters of Dragon Ball Z, only more awesome, more badass (IMO), and he doesn't have to transform to kick more ass than the entire cast of both heroes and villains combined (although, he can.) He's a fucking Super Hero, capable of doing just about fucking anything. You name it, he's probably done it at least once. Unless it was some weird fetish thing or something, or gay. But that's not super hero. He can weild any weapon, from swords to giant cannons, from the elements to fucking nukes. And he doesn't always have to, he just often prefers to. He can levitate, which provides him with basically infinite flight, but he can also take the high road and sprout dragon wings and fly legitimately. I don't want to ruin all of his fucking super powers for you, so I'll be more specific about his personality etc. He's mostly sarcastic, and he's friendly with those he trusts. He's also very careful, and a bit arrogant around people he doesn't trust. And, in battle, he's always determined, and has a strong belief in losing being an impossibility. He never gives it his all, because it would be no fun that way, but if he gets pushed to the edge, he'll take it up a notch or two and eradicate everything in his path. When it comes down to it, Ranter is one hell of a mother fucker.

Thomas: This character is me. Except, a more badass version of me, because I only wish I could actually be badass. Thomas and Ranter are almost exactly alike in personality, and look almost exactly the same (if you read up on the story, you find out why.) There are a few differences between Thomas and Ranter, more or less specifically some different transformations, and some inherited abilities that there aren't enough of to go around. One of them specifically, because it might be hard to understand if explained without explaining it, is the legendary Dream Sword. The name was not taken from Kingdom Hearts' Dream Sword. Basically, this sword is magical, and can summon any being that Thomas (who is me) had dreamed about, specifically because the sword itself existed in several. There are a few specific things that Thomas calls on more often than others, specifically the Land Snake, Warrior Rat, Thunder Witch, Giant Hunter and the Nightmares, all which are mentioned in the story. But that's enough about that.

Zinc: Zinc is an old friend of Ranter's, and he's got a power level of his own. But his power doesn't nearly rival Ranter's, because Zinc is not actually much of a fighter of any sort. He is an inventor, and he's got his own power which contributes to his intelligence and his inventions. Not to say he never fights along side Ranter, but not very often, and not without a mech or some machine to help him out. He, of course, invents these, as well as many weapons that Ranter get's the pleasure of using. Zinc is very organized, and has his own lab out in the middle of the desert, where not many would think of looking. It's also fairly mobile, as it's small enough on the outside to easily warp anywhere he needs to be (not that he has to very often) but big enough on the inside to hold giant mechs and giant monsters in containers as well as a computer with a screen as big as the wall.

Zack: Zack is Ranter's adopted son. Ranter didn't choose Zack to be his son, but Zack insists this is the case. He's a young kid, studying under Ranter, and has earned Ranter's trust in a way that few actually have. He lives with Ranter, and trains with him often, and stays home and trains on his own when Ranter is out doing his own thing. Zack is somewhat feisty, but takes after Ranter with his attitude, especially as he is growing up.

Cronco: Cronco is Ranter's dragon who's been with him for a long time. He lives in a cave that would probably fit a bear, and Ranter visits him pretty often. Cronco often helps out Ranter in a pinch, and will come instantly when called, as if by teleportation. Sometimes he gives Ranter and a companion a ride through the skies, and sometimes Cronco can have his own little story and interact with other demons and monsters alike. He's loyal to Ranter and is thankful for the way he has treated him and trained him, and is grateful for the companionship. He's a good guy at heart, but he's also a dragon, and doesn't speak English.

That's all there is for the main cast. There are other characters that are in and out, and a LOT of villains, like Herclonese, Morphion, random demons and monsters, and the psychotic Zann, all of which you will learn more about throughout the story. This is all based on things I imagined in my imagination, and it's basically an insight to how I function when I'm sitting around doing absolutely nothing, or if I zone out or something. It's all me, it really is.


1 comment:

  1. Whoa. I Read the post "Almighty inspiration" which got me pretty interested, and now this more in depth character bio intrigues me a lot. Can't wait for the first chapter ^^
