Saturday, January 2, 2010

Give it to me straight

You know what I don't like? Fuckin' mixed signals. Yeah. Who doesn't love Goddamn mixed signals? Not me, that's fuckin' who. You probably agree, that they suck some elegantly shit-stained balls. It's worse when you feel like it seems to be leaning. And it's even worse if it's leaning towards whatever is negative towards yourself.

Every person in the Goddamn world is selfish. It's human nature. It's fucking animal nature. So it's not a big surprise from anyone that you would want anything from anyone else. Whether you get it or not is obviously an entirely different situation. When someone doesn't tell you whether or not their going to give it to you, but they SEEM to be telling you back and forth that they will or won't, is what mixed feelings are for those of you who don't know. Obviously I'm writing about this because I'm currently suffering through it.

Why would anyone edge anyone onto anything ever if they weren't going to deliver? This is just a case of trolling, and people who respectful of each other and wish for each others' happiness etc, people like FRIENDS maybe, shouldn't be pulling that kind of shit on anyone. As well, people also need to make up their fucking minds before they make any decision in case it starts leaning in the other direction, which brings up the whole "mixed feelings" thing as well, obviously. For people who do this, and don't realize it, or just everyone in general in case you're someone who does it and doesn't realize it, should watch what they fucking say. Yeah, readers, watch what you fucking say. You could be in the midst of pissing someone off right now with any decision that they expect you to make, maybe because you promised to do something and just aren't doing it, and despite not actually planning to do it, not telling the other person otherwise, or some other thing. All it does is cause chaos when the problem could be fixed much sooner if you just did what you had to do, or let the other person know that you weren't going to do it. Either way, you're at least doing fucking SOMETHING about it.


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