Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello, new furniture

First off, no pics. Come see for yourselves if you really give a shit.

Me and my mam moved my room around so I could stick a new dresser and bed side table in my room. It's pretty sweet, and it's a change I could easily get used to. For the first time, my alarm clock is not inconveniently out of reach. When my room was in the basement, I had my alarm clock on top of a bookshelf which was at the other side of the room. The room wasn't very wide, but I still had to stand up to go hit the snooze and then fall back into bed. Since my room was upstairs like it used to be, I had my alarm clock on a shelf about the head of my bed. I had to reach up really awkwardly and randomly smack at my alarm clock until I found the snooze button. Sometimes I had to get up on my knees to see the clock just to hit it. Now it's on a table next to my bed, how convenient.

I have two stuffed dogs in my room, one about 2.5 times the size of the other, neither are very big. I never had a specific place for them, I usually threw them in the corner of my room and then someone would occasionally put one on the shelf above my bed, and then I would take it and throw it back into the corner. I decided to put the dogs on top of my shelf above my bed, and they look real comfortable up there. Or at least they would, if they were alive. But if they were, they would probably want to get down. There's also a stuffed fish that I got from the owner of Joey's Only on my birthday, when me and my family went there for dinner. It's seriously a plush of the mascot of my favorite restaurant, it's so awesome, and it's sitting up with those dogs, almost equally ignored as they are. Whatever.

Getting back on topic and away from the dogs' placements that didn't actually have anything to do with the renovation besides happening to find that place today, my closet is almost completely empty now. That's sort of a lie, but I took most of the stuff out of it. My old dresser is in there for the time being until we can give it to my Grandma, who apparently is going to need a new dresser is and is getting my old one, while I get the huge one that is better. Haha, grandma, you got shunned. It's my turn to shine.

Despite me never gaming in that room, because I get the basement where I have a chest (a literal chest) filled with all my 6th and 7th generation gaming equipment that doesn't fit in the buckets in my room (you'd have to see them, I don't know what else to call them), *ahem*, despite me never gaming in that room, there is a lot more gaming potential based on where the TV is positioned now. There's these shelves that are shaped sort of like stairs, and the TV is at the top. I could easily put a console on the second "stair" and hook it up to the TV, plug it into the wall, and under the circumstance of a wired controller, sit on my bed without pulling the console off the shelf to it's doom. I'm friggen' pumped. This is how exciting my life is.


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