Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh gawd, what I would give to freeze time.

I have so much fucking work to do this weekend. I'm taking a break right now.

I have to get the video done by Monday. This is a must. Then, I have to make the trailer and the website for Thursday, which is the final project and needs the brunt of my attention. I've also got to finish the Javascript project that's actually less overdue than I thought it was, but it was due today and I need to finish it ASAP. It's more than half finished though, so.

Oh yeah, I also have 3 other courses. I have to worry about studying for Math and Chemistry. I don't have to worry about physics though, because at this point that course is a joke. I finished my last physics test today, and I will be really surprised if I didn't get perfect on it. My lowest test score in that class is a 94 and it's going to get dropped because he's dropping our lowest test scores for us. That'll still bring my average up. Last I checked it was a 98 so It might go up from there to a 99 or something. Whatever, I'm just doing really good in that class, and we get to take a formula reference sheet into the exam that he will approve and we can write anything we want on it, and on both sides of the paper. And it's a full sheet of paper, no joke, so I'm gonna be fitting in shit real tight. I remember last year when we were only supposed to write on one side and I still fit everything I needed, and I needed a diagram of the eye and some shit like that, which I don't need this time around, so I'm basically all set.

I also got buttfucked by today's math test. I got a 65 if I got all the questions I did perfect. That's because I lost 13 marks in two monster questions that I was completely stumped on. I could not remember for the life of me how to do them. I did, however, do everything I could, with time to spare, and since I couldn't figure it out with plenty of trial and error, it was basically hopeless so I can safely say I did the best I could and it wasn't all that much. I blame the teacher.

Anyways, getting back on topic, I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to finish the video this weekend, but I need more time than one weekend to get everything I need done in time. Obviously, I'm going to pick priorities because I know what's important. I'll do what's best for me, but if there's any way for anyone to help this poor fellow without hurting yourself in the process, that would be fucking fantastic. Take it easy.


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