Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's hope to God today doesn't suck.

In my last entry, I talked about what a boring day I had. Today, I remembered to bring my computer to school, predicting at least one spare in my future, which I have confirmed, and I am in now. So far, I'm pretty bored, but a few people came in like yesterday so it's not so bad. I do have a few things on my computer I may or not be doing after I finish this entry, but I'll decide that later. I started writing because I was having a hard time deciding in the first place. Something beyond my browser is in order.

I've got Final Fantasy 7 on my computer. There's a PC version, did you know that? I didn't, until I did and immediately torrented it. I've barely scratched it's surface though, since I haven't been playing much. I'm not huge on Final Fantasy games for some reason, I'm kind of disappointed in myself.

I should actually start screwing around with the few different video editing programs I downloaded. I need to decide which one has good special effects that I would be able to use in the future video. We got some filming done maybe a month ago or so and we haven't touched the project since, mostly due to prop restraints as I haven't finished repainting my Keyblade yet. I'll be posting pictures of that when it's done too, it should at least be done by this weekend. I was planning on filming then. But whatever, only time will tell.
