Monday, November 8, 2010

Blackfire Summary Pt. GTFO OF HERE

So, Jesus Christ, I'm not doing plot updates anymore. The first one should have covered way more shit, and even then, I change the rules frequently so they make more sense TO ME. Personally, I don't think about those old stories anymore, and trying to make a beginning to something that has a middle and has no planned end is confusing as hell to do. I've already changed a lot of the rules from the first summary, and I'm not going to get into what those are for obvious reasons.

So here's where we stand. Forget everything I've written plot-wise, and forget a bunch of the stuff I wrote about their powers etc. Also, while I don't plan to delete it, disregard the previous post as well, it was way too fucking general anyway. Instead, if I get th urge to write about King Ranter's adventures in my imagination, I'm going to go ahead and just do a fight or something, maybe with simple backstory. I can't be bothered to write up a fucking book if I have no inspiration to recreate old plots that are now essentially expired. A lot of it still holds water right now, but every so often I remember something I had thought up and that it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense in the current run of things. So I change it. It's not bothering anyone else, so who fucking cares? Thats's basically my mindset for it.

I still plan to write up some new chapters, but nothing will necessarily be in chronological order. The only thing that seems to hold true are the names of the characters and what they do, but not HOW they do it or in what way or whatever. Therefore, in any new chapters I make, remember that they are not linked together with the exception of things that I want to reuse because I think they are fucking awesome. That being said, as you read, if something doesn't make sense from something I wrote in the last post, disregard what I had written in the last post. That's srs bsns everybody, because I don't plan to fix shit up so it makes sense ever again, that's the whole reason this idea is going to hell in the first place. And that being said...

I will be taking requests. If someone has a request, I am significantly more likely to actually write a story because I will have something to write about. And I will take any request as long as I find it interesting and understand it remotely. I'm serious about that. See, I do a lot of cameos in Gyronia. Ranter's been doing a lot of running with Sonic the Hedgehog int he past year, I tell you. I highly encourage requests with or without cameos of fictional or non-fictional characters, because God only knows exactly how long I could go without making a post. Everyone who has read this blog knows that I can go a long Goddamn time. I just don't like to, so keep that in mind.


1 comment:

  1. As far as suggestions go. How does a fight with Ranter against a horde of Gargoyles and or demons sound?
