Friday, April 9, 2010

Time for some LiveJournal shit

Looks like I've been hit with an ethical dilemma. An actual one, not deciding whether to kill the black aliens or the white soldiers in Shadow the Hedgehog, I mean an actual ethical dilemma. God, I miss this.

I like to splurge out the shit I don't want to hold inside to the public, because sometimes, if you're telling someone something directly, it's harder than telling the general public they stand in. Or, at least I find. It makes me feel like I'm not putting them on the spot so much. But, whatever, I'm not posting to explain that shit.

Listen to this, it's a fucking classic high school angst situation, and it has such a huge age radius it's fucking hilarious. It's the "I like her, but so does my best friend" thing. Although, it's not my best friend, it's still sort of the same thing. I'm contemplating, of course, to live by my own side, like I have been for a little while now. The flaw to this plan usually boils down to the fact that I always see myself in others if I enjoy their company at all. As much as I hate humanity for fucking me over so much and so often, sometimes I sympathize for those who have not done me individual harm. As it goes though, unless I owe a debt to, or feel truly sorry for someone, I will do of my own will. As of right now, that is the decision.

Sometimes it's good to put you're thoughts in front of you.


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