Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Games, Some Music, and a Magical Sword

Hey guys, not much inspiration brewin' so chapter 3-2 will have to wait a bit. I wanted to tell you about some other stuff first.

I got Pokemon HeartGold on it's release date. I am fuckin' lovin' it. I chose Cyndaquil, if you're interested. I also got Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney a few days ago, and I think I might be on the last chapter. It fooled me into thinking that there might be some actual court taking place, but there's not. Through the entire game. That's why it's called "INVESTIGATIONS." It's still awesome though.

Last night I was watchin' some youtube poops (some were quite good) and I found one that had a song from a sonic game. One of those songs that has the lyrics and is actually not bad etc. I decided to look up moar, and I found a website (www.sonicstyle.org) that had all of the sonic music for sampling. Naturally, I took a few. I have 9 on my computer of these songs. Not much, but there's not THAT many good songs that are decent as actual songs.

Finally, I have a proposition. There's a certain sword Ranter comes into, and I haven't named it yet. I can't think of good names for most of the things in the story, and since I'm writing about it, I'll use the best name that I come across. The only requirement is that you leave it in the comments of this post. It's orange, and it sort of resembles Meta Knight's sword (coincidentally, of course) only longer and more narrow. If you don't know what his looks like, look it up. Anyway, leave a name for it in the comments for me, I'll see about using it.



  1. hmm.. a name for a sword, how about "Regis"

    (Latin word for "King")

  2. Can't do. 's more complicated than that. Not only is it not the only sword that takes place, it's also not Ranter's.
