Thursday, March 25, 2010

My D&D character, according to a survey

I Am A: Lawful Neutral GnomeWizard/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level)

Ability Scores:







Lawful Neutral A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.

Gnomes are in wide demand as alchemists, inventors, and technicians, though most prefer to remain among their own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes adore animals, gems, and jokes, especially pranks. They love to learn by personal experience, and are always trying new ways to build things. Gnomes stand 3 to 3.5 feet tall and live about 350 to 500 years.

Primary Class:
Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.

Secondary Class:
Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.

Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?, courtesy of Easydamus (e-mail)

I decided to look into this because me and my sister were watching South Park, and it was the World of Warcraft episode, and we started talking about Dungeons and Dragons (mostly about how we know people who play) and I felt like looking around online for some of this kinda stuff for some reason, and I came across this.

Monday, March 22, 2010

King Ranter: Chapter 3-2 - Figuring it all out

"Ya'know, I still have lots of questions."

Zinc looked out the turret scope for Ranter while Thomas relentlessly harassed him for answers. "Listen, Tom, there's still a lot you won't understand until you get your memory sync. If you're a little patient, we can answer a few questions when Ranter get's back. I can see him coming now. He's lugging back what's left of the worm for me."


"I study what he brings me. See the huge pod in the corner?" Zinc gestured to the huge glass cylinder in the corner. Thomas remembered seeing the huge red beast that Chrono killed in the memory sync, "I keep monsters in there for short periods of time. The formula that fills it repairs the body into perfect form so I can take parts from them and multiply them, or so I can find out why they run rampant like they do. That worm was a rare case of my lab being attacked."

Thomas' mind was stuck on the thought of the huge red beast. "I want to ask about something I saw in the memory sync," he said.

The door flew open and Ranter, who had seemingly kicked it open, stood with one foot in the air. He was carrying one part of the worm over his shoulder, and the other was being dragged on the ground. "Ask away, I'm back," he exclaimed. He stomped his foot down and dragged the already rotting carcass of the dead worm behind him. "Open up the pod real quick, would ya Zinc?"

"Sure thing, thanks," Zinc said happily, as if he was waiting for this moment his entire life. He pushed a few buttons on his computer and the pod opened quickly.

Thomas watched as Ranter flung the pieces of worm corpse into the pod. The pod closed and it began filling with a clear liquid as it did in Thomas' and Ranter's own pods. "So, anyways, I was wondering about what you said about multiplying parts?"

"Oh, yeah, that," remembered Zinc, "If a monster has a repaired body part, I can cut it off and it will repair itself in the pod."

"That's why you wanted to keep the tail on that big red thing, then?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Thomas, I know you don't remember much, but you're going to have to be more specific than 'big' and 'red,'" Ranter cut in, while putting his sweater back on.

"Alright, well it kinda looked like a huge rat standing on two legs, it was taller than buildings and it had a mane and a tail with long fur on it."

Ranter and Zinc thought about it for a few seconds, "I've got it!" cried Ranter, "It was the Ifrit Rat."

"Oh, I remember that," replied Zinc, "We never did find another one of those."

"All I saw was Chrono fighting that thing," interrupted Thomas, "and then he sent it back here, and then it cut off. Zinc mentioned something about the tail being a catalyst."

"Right," replied Zinc, "The tail of the Ifrit Rat is a very powerful catalyst. If break it off and use it, it will burn up slowly as you use energy. In exchange, of course, you can use more energy at once than you normally can. If Chrono would have brought the whole thing back instead of leaving the tail to threaten other monsters and save the town from future attacks, we could have multiplied the tail."

"Why didn't you just go back and get the tail?" asked Thomas.

"What kind of message would that send?" demanded Ranter, "It helps to come off as a peace keeper in times of war, you know. People trust you a little more."

Thomas thought about it for a few more seconds. Then, he realized another question he wanted an answer for, "Who's Chrono?"

"I thought you would never ask," replied Ranter, chuckling, "Chrono is you and me."

"Thank you for the vague answer, Mr. Ass Hole, you wanna tell me what that actually means?"

"It means, that we, together, were Chrono. We split into the two of us because that's who we originally were. When we were strong enough to split I went ahead and split so we could be ourselves again. This, however, comes with side effects, like your memory loss and both of our severely lowered 'power levels' as Zinc describes it."

"There's no other way to, if you ask me." Zinc laughed.

"We also lost access to certain weapons, sadly. We can fix everything over time except for the weapons."

Thomas thought some more. All he could do with this information was think, because he still didn't remember who he was, "So, what are we gonna do? Memory sync again?"

"That's the plan," Zinc jumped in, "We can do that right now, probably. I don't see any more attacks on the lab in the near future."

"After that, we can get to some training to build our strength back up," said Ranter.

"Alright then, we might as well start now then," said Thomas, now a little more confident about what he was doing. He went in to the next room ahead of Ranter and Zinc and stepped into the pod. The bottom was completely dry, as if there was never a single drop of water in the first place. Ranter hopped into his own pod, and Zinc started up the machine. Thomas watched the formula flow into the machine quickly, and as it rose above his head, he took a deep breath. This time, he was ready.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Games, Some Music, and a Magical Sword

Hey guys, not much inspiration brewin' so chapter 3-2 will have to wait a bit. I wanted to tell you about some other stuff first.

I got Pokemon HeartGold on it's release date. I am fuckin' lovin' it. I chose Cyndaquil, if you're interested. I also got Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney a few days ago, and I think I might be on the last chapter. It fooled me into thinking that there might be some actual court taking place, but there's not. Through the entire game. That's why it's called "INVESTIGATIONS." It's still awesome though.

Last night I was watchin' some youtube poops (some were quite good) and I found one that had a song from a sonic game. One of those songs that has the lyrics and is actually not bad etc. I decided to look up moar, and I found a website ( that had all of the sonic music for sampling. Naturally, I took a few. I have 9 on my computer of these songs. Not much, but there's not THAT many good songs that are decent as actual songs.

Finally, I have a proposition. There's a certain sword Ranter comes into, and I haven't named it yet. I can't think of good names for most of the things in the story, and since I'm writing about it, I'll use the best name that I come across. The only requirement is that you leave it in the comments of this post. It's orange, and it sort of resembles Meta Knight's sword (coincidentally, of course) only longer and more narrow. If you don't know what his looks like, look it up. Anyway, leave a name for it in the comments for me, I'll see about using it.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

King Ranter: Chapter 3-1 - One Hell of an Interuption

Thomas woke up shakily. The fluid was draining out of the pods through opening to his left. He looked over at Ranter. His pod was also draining, and Ranter was confused as Thomas was.

"What happened? I'm confused!" Thomas whined. Ranter looked back at Thomas discouragingly, and stepped out of the pod and started for the lab. Thomas followed him out, not sure of what else to do.

Inside the lab, Zinc was missing. "Yo, Zinc! Where'd you go?" he shouted.


Thomas could tell that Ranter was slightly worried, which made him worry even more. "What could be the problem?" he asked, "It wouldn't happen to be one of those red giant rats would it?"

"Something like that, maybe," replied Ranter with a shaky voice, "I don't know if we're strong enough to face any disturbance that would cause Zinc to require help even when he was in the turret."

Thomas thought about his vision of Chrono. Chrono looked just like him too. 'Maybe there's a connection,' he thought, but he didn't know what to expect. He and Ranter went outside. There was nothing but desert plains in sight and a few holes in the ground that looked wide enough to drop a tool shed in, and they seemed pretty deep.

"Oh, shit," muttered Ranter, "Fucking sand worm."

Thomas looked over at Ranter and saw fear in his eyes. "What's a sand worm?" he asked.

"It's a huge worm. It's got lots of sharp teeth, and they wouldn't need 'em to swallow us whole."

Thomas was suddenly very afraid himself. "So, why do we have to help?" he asked. He looked around at the cylindrical lab and saw a huge cannon spouting from a dome at the top. It looked like it could house one of these sand worms, let alone kill one.

"Because this is what we did," Ranter said, "Yaknow, back when we were Chrono. Not that you should remember, since we didn't finish the memory sync."

Thomas thought about what Ranter said for a few seconds, and realized what that meant. His fear quickly melted away, and all that was left was curiosity in his own abilities. "Wait, so, we were Chrono? Does that mean we could kill this sand worm with a one-two-punch?"

Ranter shook his head. "It's not that simple," he paused to think about the situation. The sand worm hadn't burrowed back out from the ground, but they could both feel the ground shaking lightly beneath their feet. "I'm going to need your help. Just follow my lead, OK?"

Thomas nodded at him. He felt like he was ready for anything. Ranter, on the other hand, felt like it was too early to be taking on a fight like this. They both stood firmly as the shaking grew, and suddenly a massive, brown worm fired up from the ground, creating another hole in the dirt, and it came crashing down on the droughted sands. It's perfectly circular mouth caged many long, sharp teeth all pointing inwards. It had no eyes, but it seemed perfectly able to stare down Thomas and Ranter before they were ready to make their move. Ranter took a step back with one leg to take a more solid stance, and then he held his palms facing each other, but not touching, as if to be holding a ball. "Do this with me, OK?" he whispered to Thomas. Thomas followed suit and put his hands close to Ranter's like he was beckoning. "Now, we're going to do everything we can to take this thing down with one blow, got it?" Thomas nodded. "But don't get cocky, because we won't be able to," he finished. This made Thomas nervous. They concentrated energy out of their palms, and a small, blue light started shining between their hands. The sand worm hadn't moved yet, and didn't seem to know what Ranter was planning. Zinc was slowly positioning the giant cannon towards the sand worm, as if not to make it feel the vibrations of the spout aiming right towards its head. "Ready?" Ranter whispered.

"OK," Thomas whispered back. And on that mark, they both pushed the light forwards and a great stream of light went blasting at the huge worm's belly. The worm looked like it was getting electrocuted, and suddenly the cannon started firing shot after shot of the same energy that Thomas and Ranter were releasing. The worm didn't seem like it was going to survive it. However, when Thomas and Ranter got tired out, they stopped firing the powerful energy and Zinc stopped firing the turret, and the worm looked like it could still put up a fight.

Ranter thought for a few seconds about what to do next. Thomas backed off a bit, completely surprised from the events that occurred and the fact that the sand worm hadn't even fallen over. Then, Ranter took off his shirt. Underneath was a light, black T-shirt. "I think I can take him from here," he said confidently. This put the hope back in Thomas' heart, and he leaned against the wall of the lab and slid down to sit on the ground and watch.

Ranter ran at the giant worm, and the worm dove back at him. Ranter dodged quickly under the worm's belly almost at the speed of sound and out of the way of the sand worm's snapping teeth. He jumped up and crashed head first into the worm, but he kept going up, taking the worm with him. A few hundred feet in the air, he rolled the worm around, and punched it right in the belly with great force and sent it smashing into the ground below. Ranter landed on the sand again, and darted towards the worm and grabbed it's tail. He spun it around and around and bouncing it up and down on the hard desert plains. Then, he threw the huge monster straight up into the air, leaped up and caught it again by the tail. He began levitating in place and spinning vertically, swinging the great beast around and around at an incredible velocity. He started to rise very slowly, and then he came crashing back down on to the ground with the sand worm. He kept spinning, losing no speed, repeatedly smashing the worm into the sand and somehow not wheeling off. He brought the worm down on it's side with a final crash and landed safely on the ground. The sand worm lay still, and Ranter turned around and clapped his hands together to brush off the sand. He started to walk towards the lab again. He was a bit of a ways away from it because of how far he threw the sand worm. He could see the surprise in Thomas' eyes that this dream he had in the pod was actually coming true. Then Ranter heard a noise behind him. He turned around, and the sand worm was already diving towards him. Quickly, he sidestepped the attack and grabbed onto one of the worm's teeth. He struggled to grab another tooth while the huge worm flailed around to get free. Ranter grabbed another tooth, put his hands at the bases of the two adjacent teeth he was holding onto and pulled the worm around to tire it out a bit. This didn't seem to work, so with a deep breath, Ranter pulled apart on the two teeth and the monster's jaw snapped right in half and it nearly went limp right then and there. It looked like it might have tried to squirm up, but Ranter decided to stay in the safe side. He grabbed the lip of the other side of the worm's mouth and brought it closer to the ground for an easier grip, held on tight, and crouched down. Then, with a quick pull greater than any force he expected to be able to create in his state, he ripped the beast in half right down the middle and left a green, bloody mess in the sand in front of him. Ranter managed not to get any blood on himself at all. Then he turned around, picked up the two pieces of disgusting flesh that he has just destroyed, and walked back to the lab, dragging the heavy corpse behind him.

To be continued

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rage to What Once Was

I recently came into a long coming decision, and I have dropped off a few people at the curb and I hope they catch fire. I'm gonna post a few songs that have been jumping out at me recently, in no particular order. You can look them up yourself if you're interested, because I don't feel like doing it for you.

Mudshovel - Staind

King of all Excuses - Staind

Not Listening - Papa Roach

No More Sorrow - Linkin Park

From The Inside - Linkin Park

Don't Stay - Linkin Park

Hammerhead - The Offspring

Anywhere But Here - Rise Against

Blood to Bleed - Rise Against

Life Less Frightening - Rise Against

"Is there a God, tonight, up in the sky, or is it empty just like me?"


Monday, March 1, 2010

King Ranter: Chapter 2-1 - Learning of the Past

Chrono looked around at the urban chaos around him. Quickly, he darted through the streets towards the towering beast that threatened this massive city. The demon stood on it's hind legs, and was red and furry. It swung it's massive paws at the buildings around it, seemingly causing chaos for it's own fun and games. A red, soft aura surrounded it as it stomped through the streets, knocking over buildings like toy blocks. Chrono ran up the side of a falling building and leaped off the corner of the roof at the great beast, fists clenched. He pulled back his right arm, and as the giant red monster looks around at him with a fierce look in it's eyes, Chrono punched it right across the nose, and landed on the wall of another building and slid down to the ground. The demon staggered, hardly able to keep it's balance, and Chrono looked up at him fiercely, and ran towards it. He jumped high into the air and tacked the monster square in it's belly, and leapt off of it and onto another wall, where he jumped off again even higher and landed on the beast's head. The beast looked around for Chrono, and shook his head fiercely to shake him off. Chrono jumped into the air and came crashing back down on the monster's head fist first, knocking it out cold.

Chrono walked along the unconscious beast's spine and to it's large, furry tail. He grabbed the base of it, ripped it off, and threw it past it's feet. Then he walked back up to it's head and hopped down onto the ground. He turned around and opened one of it's eyes, and looked into it for a moment. Without letting go of it's eyelid, he looked around at the people looking at him fearfully. Many of them were crying because of the destruction of the city, others looked like they were in shock from the great beast tumbling down like he did. Chrono looked around, and brushed his faded green shirt from the demon's blood. There was a circle with a horizontal line through it, made up by many white, unidentifiable symbols. Chrono looked around at everyone one last time and cried "Your beast is dead," and then he clawed up his fingers and shoved his arm through the beast's eye. He left it there for a moment, and then it's head exploded out the other side in flames, and he pulled his arm back out. Then he pushed a few buttons on his watched, aimed it at the body of the beast, and a small green laser came out. The monster was shrouded in green light, and then it disappeared. Nothing was left of it besides the crater in the ground that it created when it fell over, and the tail that Chrono ripped off.

Chrono went to pick up the tail. "Who's in charge of this City?" he cried. There was no response. Everyone seemed to still be in shock. Suddenly, a short, stocky came forward from the crowd. He wore a tuxedo, a monocle, and a tall top hat. Classic.

"I am." He said in a sort of silly sounding voice.

Chrono walked over to him and handed him the huge tail. "Mount this high up somewhere. It'll ward away other monsters. The sight of this will frighten any threat away." The mayor eyed him curiously, and folded the tail over in his arms. Chrono walked to the center of the crater. "I'll fix up your town for you personally," he said. Then he crouched down and launched himself up a few hundred feet in the air and levitated there for a few seconds. Then he curled his arms and legs up into a ball, for a few more seconds, and he began to glow. The townsfolk watched wondrously while witnessing this strange event. Then, Chrono spread out his limbs and the glowing light shone far and wide, and the rubble of the destroyed buildings began to levitate and return to the buildings that they were before. Then Chrono dropped to the ground and landed safely on his feet, and looked around at the townsfolk once more. "Take care now," he said, and then touched his watch a few more times and he disappeared in a green flash of light.

Chrono reappeared in Zinc's lab. Zinc was standing at a table with a few scraps of metal, working away and what could have been anything. The giant, dead monster was floating inside the giant cylinder in the corner. "Did you like my present?" asked Chrono, sarcastically.

"You don't mean that was you who sent that thing, do you?" returned Zinc in the same sarcastic tone. "What happened to the tail?"

"I gave it to the city that bastard was wrecking. They need to have something to warn other monsters what's at hand. Not that there actually is, but it would be nice not to have to visit that town too often. It's sort of a boring atmosphere. Not very much colour."

"I don't care about that. Don't you know that the tail you gave them is a very strong power catalyst?"

"You mean, I should have kept it for myself?"

"You should have taken-"