Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Day of Classes

Today was the last (full) day of classes at my high school. I graduated, so tomorrow there's a half day and then I have an English exam. Then I leave the school and never return. Today, to celebrate, I took my friends (most of them) to KFC. It was me, Josh, Victor, Ryan, Bleskie and Chris. This is a story of ungodly win, so I'm not being careful to avoid names this time.

We all walked down at lunch to KFC for the Thursday special (10 pieces of chicken and a medium fry for $12. Awesome.) I asked if anyone wanted a drink. Bleskie wanted a diet pepsi and no one else really needed anything except for Chris, who opted out of making me pay for his food and bought his own food but managed to give me 75 cents somehow. Also Ryan had gave me $4, but I gave him back 1 because I didn't think he needed to pay 1/3 of the whole meal price since there were 6 of us. Anyway, I bought the chicken and the drinks, and wit the taxes for all of that it didn't even add up to $20 so I was happy. Then I get the food and I sit down with my comrades. During the meal, I ate 3, Ryan ate 3, Bleskie ate 3, and Josh ate 1. Chris ate his own food, and Victor said he wasn't a "fried guy" or something like that. I wouldn't want to be fried either, so I don't blame him, but I still don't know why he didn't want the chicken. Oh well.

Then these 4 douchebags are sitting at a nearby table, apparently at some point one of them threw a bottlecap, but I didn't see it otherwise I probably would have told them off myself. But instead, the following took place: One of those guys goes up to Josh, who is talking to Victor about Magic the Gathering and looking through his deck I guess, and this guy goes right up in Josh's face and says "What game are you playin'?"

So Josh doesn't say anything, but he just sort of laughs, grabs his chicken bone and tries to shove it in the guy's face. This guy backs off, think's it's kinda funny, and somehow this translated to Bleskie standing up and starting a rant at them. Ryan seemed to be getting nervous, to me, anyway, and he was telling Bleskie to "cool it" and "calm down" and "leave it be" etc. I told Ryan to stop whining because there were 6 of us and 4 of them, we were all bigger (and smarter) than them, and me and Ryan had karate experience (and that also Victor is Asian). Somehow, they ragefit and leave the restaurant (if they got kicked out, I was probably talking to Ryan during.) Then Bleskie calls out to them and re-earned my respect for him several times over in one sentence.

"My family owns a stable, give us a call if you ever want to go on a date!"

It was more win than I ever experienced. That line could not have been executed more perfectly, and then Chris took it upon himself to try to come up with something better than what Bleskie said, but he could not. On our way back to the school, Bleskie told every one that if they saw those douches (as he described them) to call them gigantic faggots. It was pretty awesome.

Apparently, one of those guys was in Ryan's drama class. He apologized to Ryan for his idiot friend. Everything was so perfect. Just like the rest of my day, which ended with Dairy Queen.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

King Ranter: Chapter 2-7 - Lawful Treason

Chrono burst into Zinc's lab triumphantly, "I'm King, bitches!" he cried out. Zinc was sitting in his lab patiently waiting for him. He chuckled.

"Of course you are," Zinc said, "Not that it'll matter for long."

"Naw, but at least that phase is over," replied Chrono.

"Ready to tear down the Kingdom of Gyronia?" Zinc prompted.

"Damn right, I am. Let's recap the plan and then I'll head out."

"Alright, then, here's the deal," Zinc began, "To tear down the Kingdom, we have to eliminate the King, who is now you. If you are killed, the killer will become King, but you can only be killed by intentional means, no disease or natural occurrence can kill you. Until you are slain, you are immortal. However, if we can split you back up into Ranter and Thomas, there will be no actual King, neither of you will be immortal, and if even just one of you dies by any means, Barcus will let the castle drop into the planet and it will be destroyed. No one will be able to take it's throne, no one will be King, and there will be no more tyranny. Got it?"

"Got it," Chrono said, "But I do need to know how I was doing that. What have you got for me?"

"It's pretty straight forward, you just have to break open your Diamond Key."

"Diamond Key? First I've heard of this, tell me more."

"Your Diamond Key is just a diamond, but it normally takes on a spiritual form. You can call it with summoning magic, you should be able to pull that off no problem, and then all you have to do is release power out of it like you would out of yourself. Before you get any stray ideas, you will never be able push out enough energy to break it willy-nilly."

"Can't I just turn off my power inhibitor?" asked Chrono.

"You're going to have to, but that won't be enough. You're going to have to get real pissed off."

"Oh, you mean because I can accelerate energy more efficiently when I've got rage, right?"

"Yeah, you got it, you know yourself just as well as I do. You're going to have to accelerate one hell of an energy load to break that key, so you can't do it content. The problem is, we won't necessarily find something to piss you off so easily."

"Something will come up. I'll just start looking for some more freelance shit to do until something pisses me off. Maybe I'll just go adventuring, even."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," said Zinc, "By the way, did you remember to turn your inhibitor back down?" asked Zinc.

"No, good call, I'll do that now." Chrono looked at his watch and checked his power inhibitor. He stopped in awe, staring at the numbers that he saw.

"Something the matter?" Zinc asked, concerned.

"I dunno, uhh..." Chrono stuttered. Zinc walked over to see what the problem was. He looked at Chrono's watch which read '20%.'

"No, you changed it back," reassured Zinc.

"No I didn't... Zinc, I didn't change it in the first place. I fought the King at 20% power."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just as bad as I thought

I'm graduating today. Pretty sweet, eh? Yeah, it is. Winning two awards: Science and alumni. The alumni award is basically for being a good student. Look it up if you need to. Just as well, prom is next Friday. I've got two tickets, and I've got no date, and I think I've got someone expecting me to sell them my ticket, which is probably going to happen. But yeah, I've got no date, big damn surprise.

I've also got school work to worry about. Last couple of weeks and I've got to get some shit done for Tech, Computer science, and (not so much) English. Basically, my three classes. My computer recently crashed on me, and I had to reformat it. Luckily, I didn't lose that much that was important. But, whatever, I have a bit to complain about, and I think I might just kinda slump around till I lighten my load a little.
